Monday, May 20, 2013

Unit 1 Day 4: Surface area of prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, sphere in the real life (not fake life).

Objective: Surface area of prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, sphere in the real life (not fake life).

We use surface area when we need to paint a house on the outside. We need to know how many gallons of paint to get. If you want to be a chemist when you are older and you are mixing elements, the larger the surface area the faster it will react. Dentists also use surface area when determining the size of dental restoration. You will need to know surface area even if you never have a job. When being a parent you need to know the surface area of a present to know how much wrapping paper you need.

1. Name three jobs that require surface area. (not examples up top)

2. Name two thing that you can see that you think needed the surface area to make.

3. How do you know when to use surface area.

1. Anything that makes sense.

2. Houses, cars, etc.

3. When you need to buy something like paint, etc.

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