Sunday, May 19, 2013

Unit 1, Day 3: Surface area of prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere

Objective: Be able to find the surface area of a prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and sphere

Cube = 6s2
where s = length of the side
Prism2(lw + lh + wh)
where l = length, w = width, h = height

Pyramidarea of base + area of each of the lateral faces
Cylinderr (r + h)
where r = radius, h = height

Cone = πr (r + s)
where r = radius, s = slant height
where r = radius 

1.) Find the surface area of the triangular prism below.
2.) Find the surface area of the sphere below.

3.) Find the surface area of the cylinder below.


1.) 4•3=12  12÷2=6  6•2=12
7•3=21 7•4=28 5•7=35    35+28+21+12=96ft squared

2.) 18•18=324  324•4=1,296  1,296•π=4,071.5units squared

3.) 2•π•6=37.69  37.69•22=829.38" squared

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